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Application for Inbulak

Posted: 19 Jan 2025, 22:43
by IonizedGecko
What is your main character's name?

Who are you? Your Real life name, your age, your hobbies, work, you name it! The more we know you, the better!
Hi! I'm Jan-Egil, I'm 39 and from Norway. My hobbies are reading (mostly fantasy), video games, tabletop rpgs (both as DM/GM and as a player) and board games. I also love camping in the woods and being with my family. I'm married and have four daughters, and I hope I'll get at least one of them to play WoW with me in time!
I'm a librarian, but for the last five years I've been mostly working on the Game room I've built up in our city. Here I work with teens who have fallen out of school or is on their way to do so, plus it's a social meeting place for young gamers in the evening. (This means that sometimes I get payed to play WoW 😅).
I started playing WoW around 18 years ago when a good friend bought me the game since he thought I was too slow to get started. I played for around ten years, then fell off. I've tried to get into it again a couple of times without luck, and then this expansion hooked me in again.

Your Characters, names, Classes, Level, and so on.
I have two I mostly play:
Inbulak, lvl 80 protection paladin (I'm trying to learn tanking, I used to run retri when I played last time). Mining and blacksmithing, still some way to go with the BS.
Alanja, lvl 80 Frost mage (I haven't really landed on what spec I want to play most). Tailoring and enchanting, still have a way to go here.
And then alot of lower level toons I hope to level up.

Any previous WoW Guild History and why you left.
I've been part of two guilds back in the day, one kinda just fell apart after a while and I stopped playing WoW while part of the other one.

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Guild Codex.
I have read, understand and agree with the Guild codex.

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Raid Codex.
I have read, understand and agree with the Raid Codex.

State an agreement that you have and use an Authenticator.
I have and use an Authenticator.

Who do you know in PotS?
No one, but I know that two others I know will send in their applications as well. We found a post on a wow Guild forum, and it sounded like a place for us.

What do you expect from PotS?
That it will be a guild where I can work in my tanking and learning my classes again, that it's a place to get to know others so I don't need to PUG ever again 😅

Do you have any specific play times? How active are you, playing-wise? If you're never on-line during the week, we can take this into account for your trial.
I try to play at least a couple of evenings during the week, and some in the weekend. I might also play some during downtime at work during the day 😅

Anything else you want to share with us?
I'm hoping this will be a place where I get to know other players, besides my two friends almost everyone else I know has stopped playing.

Re: Application for Inbulak

Posted: 21 Jan 2025, 13:20
by Thoridon
Hi Jan-Egi! Nice to read through your application. It sounds like you'd fit right in here - your hobbies are certainly shared amongst our members. We have quite a few tabletop RPGers and D&D players in the guild, a lot who enjoy fantasy reading and you wouldn't be the first librarian :)

The game room for youth sounds like a fantastic idea.

We'd be more than happy to have you join us and get to know each other. Plenty of other like-minded players here who also much prefer relaxed play with friendly people, rather than the minefield of pugs!

You can message an officer for an invite. An easy thing would be adding me on battlenet (Thoridon#2307) or hopping on our Discord ( as a current link). I look forward to seeing you ingame :)

Re: Application for Inbulak

Posted: 21 Jan 2025, 16:17
by Zanthuril
Hey Jan-Egil. Nice application, and I'm looking forward to meeting you in game. :)
That's a nice bunch of hobbies right there. I'm sure you'll find new friends in the guild. :)

Re: Application for Inbulak

Posted: 21 Jan 2025, 17:59
by starseekr
I need to pay more attention to the applications 😂 Hi, Jan-Egil!