Danni the Purple Penguin

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Danni the Purple Penguin

Post by Danni »

What is your main character's name?
Danni (Quel’Thalas)

Who are you? Your Real life name, your age, your hobbies, work, you name it! The more we know you, the better!
My real life name is also Danni (they/them). I’m 38 years old, I like purple, penguins, shinies, reading and playing video games. WoW is my main game, though being chronically ill I don’t get to play it as much as I’d like. I’m married to Izzy, and also have a 20 year old daughter whose MMO of choice is Wizard 101.

Battle.net Tag: Dannilion#2470

Your Characters, names, Classes, Level, and so on.
Danni (Quel'Thalas) - Level 70 Night Elf Disc Priest
Lots of alts I’ve not really played in years.

Any previous WoW Guild History and why you left.
Since Burning Crusade I’ve been in several guilds on Quel’Thalas that I left as they gradually died, raiding in Wrath and Cataclysm. Most recently I'm in Trotters Traders Ltd, but am normally the only one online when I play (I plan to leave once it's confirmed I have a trial with you)

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Guild Codex.
I agree and understand.

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Raid Codex.
I agree and understand.

State an agreement that you have and use an Authenticator.
I use the mobile authenticator

Who do you know in PotS?
Izzy (Penguina) - the wife :P
Kuryana - Best Tree

What do you expect from PotS?
Being able to socialise with other people while playing the game would be awesome. Also Izzy keeps talking about you and you all sound amazing.

Do you have any specific play times? How active are you, playing-wise? If you're never on-line during the week, we can take this into account for your trial.
When I’m able to play is very illness dependent. I can keep up with the forums and stuff while too ill to go on my computer, but I can’t guarantee I’ll be online at any point. If there’s a good time to meet people though, I can try and time my online time for then :)

Anything else you want to share with us?
Since I’ve mentioned it a few times, my main illness is severe ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis). I’ve been almost completely bed bound (getting out of bed 3-4 times a year) for over a decade, and Izzy is my carer. Learning new games is very difficult, but I started playing WoW before I got ill so as long as I stick to my priest I can usually get by. I can’t get on as often as I’d like, but when I can it’s the best distraction. I’m also autistic and have PoTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) which has made conversations more interesting since Izzy joined you :)

I know I can’t get the character name Danni on a different server, and it feels wrong to leave Quel’Thalas after over 15 years, so I waited until cross server guilds were a thing before applying. Penguina was originally the name of one of my alts, and Izzy stole it when she changed servers (I infected her with Penguinitis).

As much as I’d like to, I’m not expecting to be able to raid. I apologise for having to pull Izzy away when she does, though I do try and wait for breaks if possible.

I’m mostly excited to meet you all. Izzy’s been super excited since joining you and I’d love to see why :)
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Re: Danni the Purple Penguin

Post by Zanthuril »

Hey Danni, and welcome to the forums!

Note about play times: there is no minimum requirement for playing, it's just handy information for when we consider your full membership after your trial, so don't worry a second about that. :)

Anyone who considers Kuryana "Best Tree" must have something going for them. ;)

Please give our members a few days to consider, and good luck with your application!
Zanthuril - level 70 Human Fury Warrior

Any alts you may see are probably figments of your overly active imagination. Now beat it kid, you bother me!

“If you trust in yourself…and believe in your dreams…and follow your star…you’ll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren’t so lazy.” Terry Pratchett - The Wee Free Men
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Re: Danni the Purple Penguin

Post by JustKarin »

Danni!!!! Welcome to the forums best penguin :D
(it's Best Tree btw, if you hadn't guessed yet)
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Re: Danni the Purple Penguin

Post by Thoridon »

Hi Danni, nice to see your application :)

Consider the consideration considered. You are welcome to join us on Discord and poke an officer for an ingame invite, or get Izzy to shout one of us if we're not online!

See you in Azeroth soon :)
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