Recruitment Instructions

Here you will find out information about the guild and its policies. You can also find out about recruitment and post applications here.
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Posts: 1932
Joined: 30 Sep 2009, 20:20
rl_name: Vincent
Main char: Uinseann
Main class: Priest
Main spec: Healer
Secondary spec: DPS
I use a Authenticator:: Yes
Location: Arnhem (Gelderland), Netherlands

Recruitment Instructions

Post by Uinseann »

Phoenix of the Sun Recruitment Instructions

PotS is a social and friendly guild with the emphasis on maintaining a guild with a family feel, where members are respectful of one another. We usually only accept members who are 15 years of age or older. We can accept members younger than 15 but only with parental guidance in game and discord.

We are more interested in recruiting the person behind the character than the character itself.

You can find more information about who we are here.

1. New Applicants are asked to post an application one of two ways:
  • 1. Via our application thread on Discord ( (Note: Usually the best option for a quick response as our primary communication tool)
    2. or on the forum here (registration here is required before posting but it only takes a few seconds).
For an application here; When hitting the 'New Topic' button in the Application forum an example template will appear for you. Feel free to either use this or write something up yourself :)

2. After a short time (time enough to briefly discuss your application), an Officer will add a post to your recruitment thread asking you to /whisper an officer for an invite - this will start a 4 week trial with the guild. During this time try to get to know your fellow guildies and should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask an officer.

3. During your trial with the guild, members will give various feedback to the officers in the guild. If any issue crops up on your trial an officer will contact you to discuss it, but as long as you're friendly you'll be fine :)

Some handy Hints and Tips to help you be a successful member.
  • Be friendly to others in the game (especially within the guild).
  • Try to be active on Discord / guild chat.
  • Don't be afraid to ask any questions. The officers / other members can usually help.
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