Caranthiras application

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Caranthiras application

Post by Caranthiras »

What is your main character's name?

Caranthiras (the shrub)

Who are you? Your Real life name, your age, your hobbies, work, you name it! The more we know you, the better!

Yello! My name is Rune.
I'm a 39 year young (40 this february :shock: ) man from Norway, living with my wife and 2 boys aged 11.
Home care worker by trade, tho started out as car mechanic...
In summer my family and me gets dressed up and goes to viking markets (almost the same as renaissance fairs).
I've been a gamer nearly all my life and love games from triple A titles to indie games. Even go out with the wife and boys to catch pokemons!

I love board games, books, movies, music and tablet weaving.

Your Characters, names, Classes, Level, and so on.

Oh my...
Well the ones I play right now...
Caranthiras, the life giving shrub or resto druid, level 80. The very first one I made in vanilla wow.
Nadeah, enhancement shaman, level 80. Wanna learn to heal with this one aswell...
Thinfalatiel, shadow priest, level 80... Also want to try healing here...
Mcbooz, beastmaster hunter, level 80. This is my gatherer for my main xD

Any previous WoW Guild History and why you left.

Well I have been in 3-4 guilds i think. Can't remember all.
Whispering shadows was my starting guild. Can't remember if it was a Norwegian guild starting out. Left it cause it got deaded.
The Associates was the main guild a few years ago. Left it once because due to drama. Join back after a while when things had settled.
This one was dead when i got back after a lengthy hiatus.

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Guild Codex.

I have read, understood and agree to the Guild Codex!

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Raid Codex.

I have read, understood and agree to the Raid Codex!

State an agreement that you have and use an Authenticator.

I use an authenticator. Was a pain in the b to get the physical one removed from my account tho...

Who do you know in PotS?

Errrm... none? o.o

What do you expect from PotS?

Hopefully someone to have some good times gaming with. Getting to know some new people
Having some laughs as I try (and probably fail) in keeping someone alive.
A safe space as I get into M+ and maby raids. Haven't dared to try without a full group I know, it's just been me and 2 mates of mine.

Do you have any specific play times? How active are you, playing-wise? If you're never on-line during the week, we can take this into account for your trial.
My work schedule changes from week to week, so I don't have any specific day I can play every week.
I try to get some time almost every day. Some days I play half an hour at 6am before I go to work. And some days I play all day (mostly those days the wifey isn't home...).

Anything else you want to share with us?

I've played from vanilla wow and forward several years. It got to a point where all I did was raiding and getting ready for raiding. Tossed in the towel finally and stopped playing.
I've had a couple of times where I tried coming back, but found I didn't enjoy it. Tried again with tww and loved it :)

I'm really quite introverted and don't wan't to be the center of attention, don't like feeling I'm taking space.
I might take some time to be properly active in chat so hope you don't kick me straight away :?
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Re: Caranthiras application

Post by Lyalil »

Hello and welcome to our forum. I'm sure an officer will be along and greet you.
Nefrais - lvl 60 dranei mage
Lyalil - lvl 60 night elf druid
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Re: Caranthiras application

Post by Thoridon »

Hi Rune, nice to hear from you :)

No problem at all if you feel more comfortable being quiet. We understand that completely, and everyone is free to interact as much or as little as they like. There's also no pressure from us regarding things like raiding; we're more than happy for people to join, whether it's returning from a break like yourself or the first raid ever, but we don't place any demands on activity or expectations on performance there. Our aim is to provide a relaxed and friendly environment for members to explore the content and hopefully feel comfortable in playing with each other :)

TWW is a great expansion to come back with, for me. The Warband system really helps with playing different alts.

We'd be happy to invite you, and hopefully provide that safe space you're looking for :) You are welcome to message an officer for an invite. An easy thing would be adding me on battlenet (Thoridon#2307) or hopping on our Discord ( as a current link).
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Re: Caranthiras application

Post by Zanthuril »

Hey Rune, and welcome to the forums.
What Viking markets do you attend? I'm also a reenactor from Norway. Though I do Medieval, not Viking, it's quite possible our paths have crossed at some time in the past. :)
Zanthuril - level 80 Human Fury Warrior

Any alts you may see are probably figments of your overly active imagination. Now beat it kid, you bother me!

“If you trust in yourself…and believe in your dreams…and follow your star…you’ll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren’t so lazy.” Terry Pratchett - The Wee Free Men
Posts: 2
Joined: 19 Jan 2025, 19:19
rl_name: Rune
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Re: Caranthiras application

Post by Caranthiras »

Oh cool!
Well last year was Borre, Midgardsblot (tecnichaly not a viking marked I know) and Gjallarstadir :)
This year we swap out Borre with Hafsfjord :)

Haven't been to any medieval ones yet, do we have many of those in Norway?
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Re: Caranthiras application

Post by Zanthuril »

There's quite a few medieval faires, the largest of them are Oslo, Tønsberg and Hamar (my local one). Hamar also has a Viking camp during our fair. A friend of mine in the reenactment community works as a historical cook at Borre. :)
Zanthuril - level 80 Human Fury Warrior

Any alts you may see are probably figments of your overly active imagination. Now beat it kid, you bother me!

“If you trust in yourself…and believe in your dreams…and follow your star…you’ll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren’t so lazy.” Terry Pratchett - The Wee Free Men
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