Who are you? Your Real life name, your age, your hobbies, work, you name it! The more we know you, the better!
My name is Thomas i am 38 yr, my hobbies are many
Your Characters, names, Classes, Level, and so on.
My Main is Feksha, a dev evoker.
Working a demonhubnter who that is currently lvl 74 and som other alts(mage nd shammy)
Any previous WoW Guild History and why you left.
Used to be in some casuall raiding social guilds. Left because they dies out
State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Guild Codex.
State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Raid Codex.
State an agreement that you have and use an Authenticator.
Who do you know in PotS?
Inbulak and Caranthiras
What do you expect from PotS?
Social and nice guild to shaare experiences with
Do you have any specific play times? How active are you, playing-wise? If you're never on-line during the week, we can take this into account for your trial.
Mostly weekdays, some days i am busy with dnd.
Anything else you want to share with us?