Who are you? Your Real life name, your age, your hobbies, work, you name it! The more we know you, the better!
Hi! I'm Jan-Egil, I'm 39 and from Norway. My hobbies are reading (mostly fantasy), video games, tabletop rpgs (both as DM/GM and as a player) and board games. I also love camping in the woods and being with my family. I'm married and have four daughters, and I hope I'll get at least one of them to play WoW with me in time!
I'm a librarian, but for the last five years I've been mostly working on the Game room I've built up in our city. Here I work with teens who have fallen out of school or is on their way to do so, plus it's a social meeting place for young gamers in the evening. (This means that sometimes I get payed to play WoW
I started playing WoW around 18 years ago when a good friend bought me the game since he thought I was too slow to get started. I played for around ten years, then fell off. I've tried to get into it again a couple of times without luck, and then this expansion hooked me in again.
Your Characters, names, Classes, Level, and so on.
I have two I mostly play:
Inbulak, lvl 80 protection paladin (I'm trying to learn tanking, I used to run retri when I played last time). Mining and blacksmithing, still some way to go with the BS.
Alanja, lvl 80 Frost mage (I haven't really landed on what spec I want to play most). Tailoring and enchanting, still have a way to go here.
And then alot of lower level toons I hope to level up.
Any previous WoW Guild History and why you left.
I've been part of two guilds back in the day, one kinda just fell apart after a while and I stopped playing WoW while part of the other one.
State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Guild Codex.
I have read, understand and agree with the Guild codex.
State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Raid Codex.
I have read, understand and agree with the Raid Codex.
State an agreement that you have and use an Authenticator.
I have and use an Authenticator.
Who do you know in PotS?
No one, but I know that two others I know will send in their applications as well. We found a post on a wow Guild forum, and it sounded like a place for us.
What do you expect from PotS?
That it will be a guild where I can work in my tanking and learning my classes again, that it's a place to get to know others so I don't need to PUG ever again
Do you have any specific play times? How active are you, playing-wise? If you're never on-line during the week, we can take this into account for your trial.
I try to play at least a couple of evenings during the week, and some in the weekend. I might also play some during downtime at work during the day
Anything else you want to share with us?
I'm hoping this will be a place where I get to know other players, besides my two friends almost everyone else I know has stopped playing.