Application of ...Well Eepy

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Application of ...Well Eepy

Post by Èepy »

What is your main character's name?

Who are you? Your Real life name, your age, your hobbies, work, you name it! The more we know you, the better!
Hoi there o/, Im Yannick im 26 years old. Im From Germany and im currently becomming a software dev, even tho i still have 2 years of training befor me ugh.

Im in generell a huge gaming fan and play some other games besides WoW, but outside of the online world im a big Warhammer 40k "nerd" and from time to time you will see me with my bike in a weird spot of the world (mostly europe tho ._.).

But yeah there is not much to say about me tbh im living a pretty boring life over all haha

Your Characters, names, Classes, Level, and so on.
Uhm it woud be a long list to say it so, i have almost every class atleats lvl 70 but if we talk about the 80s we have

-Eèpy-Mistweaver/Brewmaster Monk-lvl 80-ilvl616

-Sukì-Furry/Prot Warrior -lvl80-ilvl 618

-Laìkà-Havoc/Vengance Demonhunter-lvl80-ilvl593

-Shaurìn-Balance/Resto/Bear Druid-lvl80-ilvl606

-Èepy-Restro/enhancer Shamin -lvl80-ilvl 578

-Èepy-Prot/Holy Paladin-lvl80-ilvl561

-Shaúrin-Pres/Dev/Aug Evoker-lvl80-ilvl573
Any previous WoW Guild History and why you left.
Hm only was overall in like 3 guilds and it often was just that during the last season ro during content drought that the guild went inactive :o

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Guild Codex.
I have read, understand and aggree to the Guild Codex

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Raid Codex.
I have read, agree and understand the Raid Codex

State an agreement that you have and use an Authenticator.
Im using the Authenticator and will so until there is a new way

Who do you know in PotS?
I one haha found your post on the offical wow forum :D

What do you expect from PotS?
I only expect that it is as you guys advertised it :D, oh and i dont mind if i find some friends here haha :D

Do you have any specific play times? How active are you, playing-wise? If you're never on-line during the week, we can take this into account for your trial. normaly always online every day just depending on my work hours but normaly around the evening hours i will always be online for atleast some hours

Anything else you want to share with us?
Uhm beside that ims uper shy and barely talk in discord...not rly :D
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Re: Application of ...Well Eepy

Post by Thoridon »

Hi Yannick,

Thanks for the application :) We have some 40k enjoyers in the guild already including myself. Which armies do you collect?

The forum post is as we are :) Our regular guild raids start a new patch clearing Normal and then progressing into Heroic. We utilise the flex size (10-30) for those and have never been a Mythic raid guild. Outside raids different people enjoy different things - some like to focus on professions, some PvP, some enjoy M+ and some just like to quest around on alts. We don't place any demands on gameplay, we simply have a focus on maintaining a friendly environment and look to enjoy the game together. Making lasting friends is a core goal for us, and that extends beyond WoW.

While I let some others get chance to read your post too, would you be ok to hop onto our Discord channel? The messaging on there is a little quicker:) You can find that via this link:
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Re: Application of ...Well Eepy

Post by Zanthuril »

Hey Yannick.
Thanks for the application. You play 40k and WoW and do bike rides in strange places? In no way are you leading a boring life. :)
Zanthuril - level 80 Human Fury Warrior

Any alts you may see are probably figments of your overly active imagination. Now beat it kid, you bother me!

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Re: Application of ...Well Eepy

Post by Cersej »

Hiya Yannick!

Welcome to the forum :)

Always happy to see another w40k gamer! I mainly play with tyranids myself :)

( I also immensely enjoy painting up figures)
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