Hopeful application :D

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Joined: 02 Sep 2024, 18:20
rl_name: Sofie
Main char: Kifazes
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Hopeful application :D

Post by Kifazed »

What is your main character's name?
My main chars name is Kifazes. I made her back in 2014 when I started playing wow. She's a Restoration Druid, Night Elf. I started out as a Balance Druid, but since my guild back then needed a healer... I'm an ok healer, and I could heal so M+ dungeons with her (nothing too high).

Who are you? Your Real life name, your age, your hobbies, work, you name it! The more we know you, the better!
Who am I? Gosh... :D I'm Sofie, 38 years old. Mom of 3, 2 teenage dudes (18 and 16, which both battle me for MY gaming computer), and a girl toddler, 3 years old (gave her my Switch, so she can game Paw Patrol lol). And I got two stepkids, ages 13 and 11. They mostly game on Playstation. Which all of it, my husband hates, cause he never gamed once in his life, lol.
My hobbies are... Gaming ofc :D some low level photography. Crocheting, reading, knitting, ... I'm all over the place :D
I'm a stay at home mom, since my husband is going for a bachelor degree as a teacher (English and Dutch). And with all of those kids, it was kind of a mad house when I went out working. So, I take care of the house now, or at least, I try to keep up with laundry. That's a better description of my job :D

What more about me... I live in Belgium, was born and raised in Antwerp, later on moved to Limburg where I met my husband. I tend to talk too much in new situations or when I'm nervous (haven't noticed right :p)

Your Characters, names, Classes, Level, and so on.
Kifazes - Night Elf - Resto Druid - level 70
Kiffazes - Blood Elf - Prot Paladin - level 74
Kifazzes - Draenei - Prot Paladin - level 70
Muranyii - Troll - Resto Druid - level 70

Little bit of info before I go on: pandamix made me go crazy with leveling chars ^^

Blindin - Blood Elf - Rogue (still figuring out which spec I want to play) - level 70
Blindiin - Evoker - the healer one - level 70 (I find this one to be not as enjoyable)

As you can see, finding original names is not my cup of tea lol. they all stem from music titles (which I cannot live without). And yes, I noticed my autocorrect misstyped Kifazes and on the forum here I will be known as Kifazed *sigh

Any previous WoW Guild History and why you left.
I started out in No Regrets... and after years that guild died (Legion times) and I quit playing wow for a couple of years. With Dragonflight I came back, noticed that not a single guildie came online over the course of weeks... and an old guildie whispered me, said he took all his chars to the horde side, to The Inquisition. We had a blast throughout Dragonflight. Mature social guild, with fun raid nights. No pressure, mistakes were allowed to be made and sometimes even encouraged for the laughs. Those guys learned me a lot. Helped me out to get geared, took me and my healer on mythic runs (poor guys). I had the most fun time in wow ever. Then, our raid leader quit. Guild kinda fell apart after that. I played the panda mix almost solo (except for an old time friend who joined me now and then). When two of our key members came online when TWW came out, I was excited. But they let me know they were changing guild and servers. And our guildmaster said nothing would be planned for this exp. They now play DnD together.
Then, out of boredom, I was reading through comments on Facebook, met a guy of yours who was talking about the social mature guild you guys are. Gave him my info, he gave me your website, and well, here I am with the wrong username making an application :D That now feels more of a book than an application. Sorry ^^

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Guild Codex.
I have read, agree and understand the Guild Codex

State an agreement that you read, agree and understand the Raid Codex.
I have read, agree and understand the Raid Codex

State an agreement that you have and use an Authenticator.
I use a Mobile Authenticator

Who do you know in PotS?
Zanthuril - talked on Facebook about the guild.

What do you expect from PotS?
Good laughs and banter... Kindness... Nothing more really. I'm pretty easygoing and my demands aren't high :D

Do you have any specific play times? How active are you, playing-wise? If you're never on-line during the week, we can take this into account for your trial.
I play as much as I can. On weekends I have to battle my teenagers so those aren't the best times for me. In my previous guild we had raid night on Tuesdays and Thursday, so I made sure I had the pc to myself. But they are going to buy their own gaming computer, so mine will free up, and I will be playing whenever I can. Sometimes during the day when everyone is at school. Other times at night... anything is possible :D

Anything else you want to share with us?
Just to thank you for reading through my application book. Sure will take some discipline to get through this xD
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Re: Hopeful application :D

Post by Zanthuril »

Welcome to the forums, Sofie, and good luck with your application!
Zanthuril - level 70 Human Fury Warrior

Any alts you may see are probably figments of your overly active imagination. Now beat it kid, you bother me!

“If you trust in yourself…and believe in your dreams…and follow your star…you’ll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren’t so lazy.” Terry Pratchett - The Wee Free Men
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Re: Hopeful application :D

Post by Menset#2219 »

Welcome and good luck with your application. Look forward to raiding with you.
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Re: Hopeful application :D

Post by vesendreper »

I hope you do well in your extensive trials in the Guild. Remember not to trust anyone and also watch out for the priests. Hope you'll make it 'cause we could use someone to do the dis... I mean... Uhm... watch over the kids in the Guild too!
Posts: 3
Joined: 02 Sep 2024, 18:20
rl_name: Sofie
Main char: Kifazes
Main class: Druid
Main spec: Healer
Secondary spec: None
I use a Authenticator:: No

Re: Hopeful application :D

Post by Kifazed »

Haha, thank you guys!
I will be able to log today at around noon. Yesterday was crazy with going out and needing to buy a *** load of school supplies. Did my head in xD.
Posts: 3
Joined: 02 Sep 2024, 18:20
rl_name: Sofie
Main char: Kifazes
Main class: Druid
Main spec: Healer
Secondary spec: None
I use a Authenticator:: No

Re: Hopeful application :D

Post by Kifazed »

Haven't been online much last few days, start of school is crazy. Everyone needing something, on different days, from different stores. Yay me :p
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